Sunday 17 June 2007

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Ok. A little explanation seems in order. I've been illustrating for £'s for around 3 or so years now. Except I had a big old break (as in not doing any work) for the last year or so in which I was "re-evaluating" things, such as whether I wanted to concentrate on my career in Graphic Design or whatever really. So in the last couple of months I had the big lightening strike I was waiting for. It came after I had another interview for another Graphic Design position that I kind of didn't really want. However, I went along with the whole interview thing, got through to a final stage and...

... I didn't get it. So I got cross (and slightly drunk) and realised I had no real interest or desire to do that job. Or indeed any Graphic Design job including the position I am in now. So, I started making images seriously again and realised I loved it. Like, really loved it. So I started this blog and really started analysing my style and work.

As you may have noticed the work on this page has varied in style and content massively. The reason is I'm reworking my style trying to fit new ideas and pieces together before the big push.

So, finally, what's the deal with the guy and the books? Well, I'm not really sure! I drew the first panel and started playing with the idea of a guy (possibly a priest?) getting attacked by a bunch of books. Could these books represent truth? could they represent the knowledge he is sacred of? Perhaps he is closing himself off to a world of open thought and ideas? Well, all of these things could be true. Truth is I thought it might be fun to have a guy getting attacked by books. As we all know, however, it doesn't make any of the other "accidental" ideas any less true! I tried to carry on the strip but the ran out of ideas. I'm always better at starting stuff...